Ooooooh I am just too excited about all the yummy prims Amy over at Bumble Bee Lane Cottage sent me for the Sweet Liberty swap she recently held. I was very late in getting my things to her but it worked out ok since she had been sick too...She is such a sweet and generous gal !!! If you've never been to her right over there and see all her wonderful things.
Ok, ok, I want to see what I got. Well, first let me say that before I even opened the box I could SMELL this wonderful aroma...not sure exactly what it's callled but it was homey and spicey, which, coincidently, just what I like. Well, heres what I got...
This beautiful stitched star is gigantic....I know you cant see very clearly but its hanging on my fireplace set and it hangs half way down...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.
Next is this beautiful salt glazed plate and pie bird...Amy knows I collect salt glazed stuff, so it was perfect and the little bird in an Eldreth...SCORE !!! Not sure where I will display this yet...I have some things in mind and will update you later on that.
Ok, now isn't this rabbit just adorable looking like he's ready to march in a parade...I LOVE him too...what talent this gal has...oh you folks who sew...I am so envious !!
Then I also got this beautiful linen towel that has been tea stained and has beautiful sars on both ends....You cant tell really well in the pictures, but the staining just looks so darn it had been tucked away for 100 years and now is in my home...I decided I need to REALLY get moving on my new studio so that 1. I can have more studio space and use some of my prim decor there and 2. Do my bedroom (half of which is now my work area) in all prims because I am SO short on actual wall space in this house...I want to see this hanging from a hook somewhere...OK, ok...I will get on with the gifts
These are some of the yummy things I smelled...awesome little wax stars, a blackened beeswax flag and...wait for it...I love this....
Isnt this AWESOME ???? A George Washington blackened beeswax "portrait" and its pretty big probably 4" tall...Amy is just tooo sweet and I just want to thank her from the bottom of my heart for all the lovely things she made/handpicked for me...but most of all I want to thank her for her kindness and friendship !
I have some new stuff done that I have been working on and will try to get pics soon and will have new wools up next week for sure...I know I am always later on that than I say, but I am doing a large wool order, so while those dye pots are out, I may as well get it all done...finishing up in the next day or two, so if you have a request, let me know asap !!!
Until next time,
Grace to you,
Don't miss out. Become a follower of my blog and join in all the fun !
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
New items for sale on PHM
Just wanted to remind everyone to hop over to to see the newest update from the selling group. There are some really lovely items up for sale this month...all of the ladies have outdone themselves and I am again humbled to be included in this wonderful group. Below are some of the new items I am selling over there this month....
I wanted to let everyone know I got a phone call from my son the Marine yesterday !!! He could only talk about 5 minutes but it was so good to hear his voice. He is having a blast but is a little disappointed he isn't "in theater" yet and getting to shoot that machine gun of his but said they got to do some really cool training exercises at their last port that, to quote him were, "just ridiculous" which, in case you dont have a 19 year old, means really awesome !!
I am so glad he is ok and having fun and I dont know if I shared with you all, but my older son, Kirk (22) lives 10 minutes from us and he is up for a promotion at work and he's made it through the second round of interviews and his boss feels he's getting it, which is AWESOME for my son and a huge accomplishment. He will be managing his own Virginia !!! (Cry)...and to top it off he would be leaving in less than a month. I wasnt quite ready for not only my nest, but my entire tree to be empty quite so quickly. Besides, who will do his laundry and come for Sunday dinner ? (sniff, sniff). This whole letting go thing is much harder when it all comes so close together.
Prayers...please ? I know I ask for them every time I post anymore, but it's been a rough few months around here. Dont get me wrong, I am so very proud of both my sons, I just will miss them desperately. The hubs says to look on the bright side and start scouring all the thrift shops between here and Charlotte, Va....I know I say it all the time, but isnt the hubs just the best ?? to finish dyeing more wool since, thanks to some new followers, I am alomst wiped out (yippee) !!!
I wanted to let everyone know I got a phone call from my son the Marine yesterday !!! He could only talk about 5 minutes but it was so good to hear his voice. He is having a blast but is a little disappointed he isn't "in theater" yet and getting to shoot that machine gun of his but said they got to do some really cool training exercises at their last port that, to quote him were, "just ridiculous" which, in case you dont have a 19 year old, means really awesome !!
I am so glad he is ok and having fun and I dont know if I shared with you all, but my older son, Kirk (22) lives 10 minutes from us and he is up for a promotion at work and he's made it through the second round of interviews and his boss feels he's getting it, which is AWESOME for my son and a huge accomplishment. He will be managing his own Virginia !!! (Cry)...and to top it off he would be leaving in less than a month. I wasnt quite ready for not only my nest, but my entire tree to be empty quite so quickly. Besides, who will do his laundry and come for Sunday dinner ? (sniff, sniff). This whole letting go thing is much harder when it all comes so close together.
Prayers...please ? I know I ask for them every time I post anymore, but it's been a rough few months around here. Dont get me wrong, I am so very proud of both my sons, I just will miss them desperately. The hubs says to look on the bright side and start scouring all the thrift shops between here and Charlotte, Va....I know I say it all the time, but isnt the hubs just the best ?? to finish dyeing more wool since, thanks to some new followers, I am alomst wiped out (yippee) !!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Wow, what a month already !
Hi guys...I cant believe I haven't posted anything since I announced the giveaway winners ! Life has been soooooooo hectic and unbelievably difficult. I have soo many things I am working on right now. First of all I forgot to show you this terrific gift my son gave me before he shipped out at the end of March...I love it and I love him for knowing just what to get me. Both my boys are really good at gifts ...its taken awhile for our Marine child to "catch" up....being the baby of the family he usually just signed his name, (haha) although our older kids have always been great at picking out gifts (and I have the proof all over my house !). Anyway, here's what he got me....
I am thinking of hanging it over my kitchen doorway, but we will have to see. I have just been so busy getting all my sons dirty laundry he sent home done...yes, he actually sent dirty (and I mean Marine dirty....and thats yucky) clothes home and as I open all these bags I am finding all kinds of things just stuffed in these bags mixed in with the dirty clothes. GRRRR But, I am NOT complaining. You see we had a REALLY bad scare last week. We had gotten word via the offficial FaceBook page for the 24th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) that there had been an accident when they arrived at their first port city and 2 Marines were killed and 2 were injured....We didn't get official notification that there had been an accident until a day or two later, but they only released the names of the deceased and not the 2 who had been injured and flown to Germany for treatment (which meant it was bad). Well, as you can imagine, worry and fear permeated every ounce of my body ! We finally found out our son is ok and has safely made port in their new destination. As most of you know, this is our sons first deployment so we are "new" to all of this...I am not sure how I am going to make it through this entire deployment, but I have faith in God who has brought me peace (when I let Him) and I know Kyler is doing what he has always dreamed of doing. I am so sorry for not sharing this sooner with all of you....I know you all would have prayed and been so encouraging (cause you always are)...I spent alot of time crying and alot of time praying, just not very much time online.
I am WAY behind on getting the last few giveaway gifts sent out, but you will get them soon ! I was thrilled to get a lrage order for wool during this time too, so if you are thinking I am just about out of wool....dont worry, I will be listing more next week. I am putting the finishing touches on my items for my selling group ( which will be updating tomorrow night at midnight so be sure to pop over there on Friday to see all the great things these wonderful women have to offer. We even have a new seller this month, so it's sure to be exciting.
Well, I just wanted to pop in and say that I am here and late into the night I am perusing your blogs when I cant sleep (I just dont comment because I cant see well enough to type in the dark...haha).
Many hugs and much love to you all !
Grace to you,
I am thinking of hanging it over my kitchen doorway, but we will have to see. I have just been so busy getting all my sons dirty laundry he sent home done...yes, he actually sent dirty (and I mean Marine dirty....and thats yucky) clothes home and as I open all these bags I am finding all kinds of things just stuffed in these bags mixed in with the dirty clothes. GRRRR But, I am NOT complaining. You see we had a REALLY bad scare last week. We had gotten word via the offficial FaceBook page for the 24th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) that there had been an accident when they arrived at their first port city and 2 Marines were killed and 2 were injured....We didn't get official notification that there had been an accident until a day or two later, but they only released the names of the deceased and not the 2 who had been injured and flown to Germany for treatment (which meant it was bad). Well, as you can imagine, worry and fear permeated every ounce of my body ! We finally found out our son is ok and has safely made port in their new destination. As most of you know, this is our sons first deployment so we are "new" to all of this...I am not sure how I am going to make it through this entire deployment, but I have faith in God who has brought me peace (when I let Him) and I know Kyler is doing what he has always dreamed of doing. I am so sorry for not sharing this sooner with all of you....I know you all would have prayed and been so encouraging (cause you always are)...I spent alot of time crying and alot of time praying, just not very much time online.
I am WAY behind on getting the last few giveaway gifts sent out, but you will get them soon ! I was thrilled to get a lrage order for wool during this time too, so if you are thinking I am just about out of wool....dont worry, I will be listing more next week. I am putting the finishing touches on my items for my selling group ( which will be updating tomorrow night at midnight so be sure to pop over there on Friday to see all the great things these wonderful women have to offer. We even have a new seller this month, so it's sure to be exciting.
Well, I just wanted to pop in and say that I am here and late into the night I am perusing your blogs when I cant sleep (I just dont comment because I cant see well enough to type in the dark...haha).
Many hugs and much love to you all !
Grace to you,
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Hello there my primitive pals....First off, let me apologize for not posting the winners just after midnight last night as promised. Truth be told, a miracle took place in my house and I was just unable to tally, cut , sort and draw the winners because....drum roll please...I FELL ASLEEP at 11:30 and slept till....wait for it NOON today !!! As many of you know I battle with insomnia due to the ongoing effects of my battle with West Nile w/encephalitis....Falling asleep easily is just unheard of in my world. Falling asleep is WORK for me. I get sleepy sure, but actual sleep eludes me most of the time and I survive on about 4 hours a night (at best) and sometimes go for days with no sleep at all. Well, I had been watching the news at 11, propped up with all my pillows with my computer beside me on the floor , laying in wait for me to take action on my blog giveaway....Much to my suprise my husband gently woke me at 4:30 am and said "Honey, let me move your pillows so you can lay fell asleep." He then kissed me , moved my pillows and off I was in slumberland again. Folks, this is a miracle !!!! Even the fact that he gently woke me to move my pillows would normally wake me and I would be AWAKE, wide AWAKE till the next evening. So, as sorry as I am for possibly disappointing any of you who stayed up to see won, I myself am elated. Now, this miracle has happened in the past from time to time (a few times a year at most)...usually followed by DAYS with NO SLEEP at all so I am asking all of you to PLEASE pray for me today and tonight..that I might sleep doesnt even need to be a night like last night...just some amount of sleep instead of not sleeping at all for days.
OK...enough about me...on to the winners . Oh, but first can I say thank you to all of you wonderful gals...You are just so great and encouraging and add so much richness to my life. I have more to say on this matter, but I will make that a different post.
Well the first prize was this book....
There were 36 valid entries the the winner is Jennifer over at Congratulations Jen and thanks sooo much for entering ! I will be in touch about getting your address.
The next prize was the Hand Hooked Heart hooked by me...
There were 65 valid entries and the winner is Kaite over at . Congratulations Kaite and thanks so much for entering...I will email you to get your address too.
The next prize was for one of my bundles of wool...
There were 66 valid entries and the winner is Teresa over at . Congratulations Teresa and I will email for your address.
The next prize had the biggest response of all....The Hand hooked Chickadee ruglet hooked by me...

We had 95 valid entries and the winner is Robin over at . All I need is you addy and off it will go ! Congrats Robin and thanks for entering !
The last prize I advertised was for your choice of the mug rug kit or completed set of 5....
There were 57 valid entries and the winner is Tricia over at . Congratulations soon as I get your addy I will send your kit right out !!! Thanks for entering.
I am grateful and humbled by the overwhelming response....
And so I decided to throw ALL the entries into a pile....
And pull a few names for some $10.00 gift certificates for anything listed on my blog for sale. The certificates will be good until May 31st and can be used towards anything I sell... hooked items, wool bundles, kits, supplies etc listed for sale here on my blog or on my selling page over at Primitive Handmades Mercantile. I will list the winners below and if you are one of the lucky ones you have 1 week to contact me to claim your prize. The gift certificate winners are :
Gayle at
Roberta at
Courtney at
Congratulations to all and I am sooooo thankful for all of you. I must go now cause my other son is here for dinner and the guys are HUNGRY for the roast I managed to put in the oven.
Looking forward to another year of blogging gals. and as always...if you didnt win, you can always purchase any of the items I offered as prizes (except the book).
Grace to you all,
OK...enough about me...on to the winners . Oh, but first can I say thank you to all of you wonderful gals...You are just so great and encouraging and add so much richness to my life. I have more to say on this matter, but I will make that a different post.
Well the first prize was this book....
There were 36 valid entries the the winner is Jennifer over at Congratulations Jen and thanks sooo much for entering ! I will be in touch about getting your address.
The next prize was the Hand Hooked Heart hooked by me...
There were 65 valid entries and the winner is Kaite over at . Congratulations Kaite and thanks so much for entering...I will email you to get your address too.
The next prize was for one of my bundles of wool...
There were 66 valid entries and the winner is Teresa over at . Congratulations Teresa and I will email for your address.
The next prize had the biggest response of all....The Hand hooked Chickadee ruglet hooked by me...
The last prize I advertised was for your choice of the mug rug kit or completed set of 5....
There were 57 valid entries and the winner is Tricia over at . Congratulations soon as I get your addy I will send your kit right out !!! Thanks for entering.
I am grateful and humbled by the overwhelming response....
And so I decided to throw ALL the entries into a pile....
And pull a few names for some $10.00 gift certificates for anything listed on my blog for sale. The certificates will be good until May 31st and can be used towards anything I sell... hooked items, wool bundles, kits, supplies etc listed for sale here on my blog or on my selling page over at Primitive Handmades Mercantile. I will list the winners below and if you are one of the lucky ones you have 1 week to contact me to claim your prize. The gift certificate winners are :
Gayle at
Roberta at
Courtney at
Congratulations to all and I am sooooo thankful for all of you. I must go now cause my other son is here for dinner and the guys are HUNGRY for the roast I managed to put in the oven.
Looking forward to another year of blogging gals. and as always...if you didnt win, you can always purchase any of the items I offered as prizes (except the book).
Grace to you all,
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