Friday, June 15, 2012

June Update for PHM

Just a reminder that today is the June update over at Primitive Handmades Mercantile and the ladies have done it again...I got a sneak peak and what they have to offer this month is breathtaking. Of course I got the theme wrong for the month, but I still think my items turned out pretty good. Here are 2 of the hooked pieces I submitted for sale....

These were both designed and hooked by me... Please click on the tab to thr right and hop over and see all the primtastic items these gals have made !!!

I have been busy busy busy and promise to post more leter and fill you all in on whats been happening in my neck of the woods. !

Until next time,
Grace to you,


  1. Hi Margie, your rugs are prim perfect, love them so. Great hooking!!! both are wonderful pieces. Will check out the primtastic goodies for sure. Enjoy the weekend, Blessings Francine.


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