Friday, May 18, 2012

PHM Update & Great MAIL day !!!

Hi there gals. Just wanted to remind you that today is the day for the update over at my selling group, Primitive Handmades Mercantile (Click on the tab on the right side of the page and it will take you right there). I got a chance to take a sneak peak at what some of the gals are offering this month and OOOOOh are there some lovely things ! I am so blessed to be part of this wonderful group of talented artists. I thought I would show you just one of the things I am offering this month as a teas to get you to go take a look and hey, there's even a contest this month, so really , hop on over and browse.

OK, heres one of my items...

I also wanted to just say a BIG HUGE thank you to my new friend Gloria. She has been ordering wool from me for a few months and we are getting to know each other and she is just the sweetest person ! Awhile back when I showed you all those feedsacks I got she had mentioned that she would like to have one and I agreed to just add it in with her next wool order. She said she would send me something to swap and I was thinking that was just fine with me....Well, holy moly, I think she got the short end of the stick because besides the wool (which she paid for), all I sent was one Pillsbury flour sack and she sent me TONS of beautiful items in return. I wish she had a blog so I could send you all over to see her, but gals, just look at all the lovely things she sent me....
I love this grubby heart with all these beautiful roses. It will be going in my bedroom for sure !

Isnt this little clothesline with all the little prim outfits just precious ? I have it hanging from the drawers of my sewing machine and I just love it !!!

Here's a great little fruit cover thats all rusty and prim....I am going to hang this from the brick in my kitchen I think.

And last but not least is this GIANT prim wooden bowl with all this lovely distressed paint. I cant wait to make some things inside it....Maybe some grubbgy rag balls ? The next picture shows the original paint on the outside with the remnants of some beautiful roses....

This was just the nicest surpise I think I have ever gotten in the mail. What a treat ! She is a fantatsic and very interesting woman and I am blessed to know her. She has, along with so many of you, enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined when I started blogging a little over a year ago.

Yes, I have tears streaming down my face...what can I say ? I get weepy at 2 am. I am just feeling so grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life. Some days its hard to see God's plan. Some days, when I am hurting and cant really move, let alone work on any of my projects, I cry out to Him and ask to have my" old life" back, but on days like today, when the pain is manageable and I get things accomplished, I am reminded that I am right where I need to be, in the center of His will for me. My "old life" was far too hectic to have ever had the time to blog and then I would never have met any of you. I am finally seeing that God can use me...right now...not "when I get better", but right now, to be there for others, to be a blessing with a kind word or a sarcastic joke. It feels good to know that God can use a broken person like me. I pray for so many of you by name every are so close to my heart even though we have never officially "met". I am so thankful for all the times you have lifted me up out of the doldrums or encouraged me when I couldnt find my way or just brought  a smile to my face by the sweet comments you take the time to post here.

Oh my, I need to stop now or I am going to have a humdinger of a headache from all the crying. But before I go I did want to update you on my kiddos and thank all of you who have been praying for them. Our daughter, although still estranged from us, has made movements back toward us and more importantly to God. Through a miracle of a dear friend being at the right place at the right time, I now know that my beautiful daughter has returned to church and, it seems, to God. I am trusting the Lord to reunite us someday soon but am happy now just knowing she is taking her children to church and that, at least in that way, I didnt fail her.

The boys are both doing great. I actually got a call from my youngest straight from the battlefield on Mother's Day and it was such an unexpected delight. He could only talk for a few minutes but it was soooo good to hear his voice. He sounds like he is actually loving it over there and is actually going to be able to meetup with an old friend (from elementary school) in Isreal soon...How cool is that ? My other son, our middle child, who moved to Virgina a few weeks ago also called and texted and he seems to be settling in nicely. He has been looking for housing and I am heading out to his old apartment next week to get him all packed up and then the hubs and I will drive his stuff down in a few weeks...I guess you never stop being a mom. Mothers day was a day I had dreaded though...with the situation with my daughter, Mothers Day is always a day of mixed emotion but this year I did have reason to celebrate but it was also my very first Mothers day that I didnt spend with any of my kids or my mother...It was a little odd, but it turned out ok. Oh and guess sons fiance dropped off a beautiful gift for me. It is a beautifl angel holding an American flag that says "Praying for those who serve" ( I forgot to ake a picture and I am just too tired right now)...It was a touching gesture and a real answer to prayer too. So, all in all, I just feel so blessed by the way God is moving in my life right now. Oh and of course the hubs was awesome and got me these beautiful roses...and he took his mom and I out to dinner, which is always nice !

Yep, he's a keeper and with that I am gonna close. I can hear the hubs snoring away from across the room...guess I had better try to get some sleep too !!!
Until next time,
Grace to you,


  1. Beautiful Flowers, and love that prairie line!!!!

  2. what sweet gifts! would love to know where your son's GF got the angel.i would love to have one for my daughter and son in law. have a wonderful day!!!! denisse

  3. Hello, oh my, what prim perfect gifts, love them all. Blessings Francine.

  4. Wonderful gifts! The flowers are beautiful & I really like your LIBERTY mat : )

  5. Margie, I am thrilled you liked your package. And by the way, I in no way have been shorted. I am perfectly happy with the flour sack. Also, you my dear have been a Saint in all of this wool dyeing for me. The perfect colors, I wish you would post pics of it so all of your readers could see it. You dear, deserved the neat little package. I hope and pray it put a real smile on your face and gave you peace for a while. I am waiting for my package in the a.m. So excited. Gloria

  6. I'm so glad to hear things are "changing" in your daughter.I know I surely keep you in my prayers sweet friend.I just checked out your handmade items site such wonderful things.I'm waiting to hear back from someone about your email so will talk to you later today.Hugs!~Amy

  7. How can I order a hooked mat you made with stars and strips in boxes?

  8. Ahhhh....and 'tis me that is glad you have been the amazing instrument you have - with your kind words and amazing wit.....Not that I don't wish you could feel your old self and do the things you used to, but if it means that I got to know you for a season or so, I am content.

    I did not know that your daughter was estranged. (Did I???) Oh what a heavy heart you must have at times.....I am glad that you get word of her - and that she is on the path back. (Yes, that is being said with confidence, hope, and prayer.....)

    Smiles, Hugs & Best Blessings My Friend ~ Robin (PS - Love your "Liberty" mat....)


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