Thursday, May 24, 2012

I bit the bullet...

Yep, that's right...I finally just jumped in with both feet into the whole idea of actually making Hungry Hook Primitives into a full fledged business. As most of you know I have been toying with the idea of making over our small addition into a "studio" of sorts...mostly so I can have room enough to not have to move EVERYTHING just to draw a pattern, then move EVERYTHING again to pack up an order and move EVERYTHING yet again for working on my blog and so on and so on and so on. This past weekend I was just amazed at the amount of orders I got for wool, hooked pieces etc. I am just giddy with excitement that I can REALLY do this. Ok, so I am really going to embarass myself by showing you just what a MESS my work space is right now....its on the opposit side of my bedroom and I swear I could probably qualify for an episode of Hoarders if they saw this (thank goodness the rest of my house is semi organized)....Please...if you are gonna judge, then just do it behind my back and dont comment. heres where the magic happens right now....
Here's another view of the  chaos...
Yes my poor hubby actually has his clothes in this old dresser. The hubs is, how do I say this as nicely as possible...organized to the extreme, a bit anal about things, a perfectionist, a neat-nik, ok, ok, he's got OCD and I just dont know how he toelrates all this mess. His office is impeccable. He has NOTHING on  his desk, everything is in a folder and labeled etc. He doesnt even keep emails or texts because it bugs him as "clutter"...Yes and we have been successfully married for over 25 years. The man in just that wonderful because clearly I have got to be annoying him...but when I ask him he just smiles and says "Honey, I know you would be more organized if you could...lets get that space done and you'll have more room"...then he gets an adorable grin and a twinkle in his eye and says "And that way I dont have too look at the mess so I wont really care if you're organized or not". Seriously I dont know how he puts up with me, but I am so glad he does !

OK, so back to my story. So I went ahead and made a big order of dye and bought a bunch more wool so I will be ready for greatness once my studio is all done. Oh, did you want to see where that's going to be ? As I said before we have an additional off the lower level of our house in the back. It has its own entrance from outside and from just off my laundry room. Our son lived there for a couple years so we needed to rip out the carpet (teenage/collge boys are soooooo yucky)  and I need to patch a few places in the walls where he decided to use  screws to hang pictures (GRRRR). I also need to find a new home for all the stuff still in there....all his weights, an old tv, a dishwasher he said he wanted to take but then didnt need...I may keep the mini fridge though !!!  Heres a little tour...
This is the view coming in the door from the laundry room...theres a small bath to the left and a walk in closet to the right with tons of room for hanging patterns and storing supplies...
Heres the view of the main door/entry from outside and theres more room for supplies to be stored here. I am going to be putting down either ceramic tile or some type of faux hardwood (something that looks realistic but is easy to take care of and can take some traffic) over the whole room including the entryway. I had thought of just staining and sealing the concrete and then using large floor cloths but I think it might be hard of my back and feet...any suggestions ? I dont want to spend a lot but I also want something that will add value to the house...

This little area is kind of inset and I will make my main work area and will have my chair where the bench is so I am facing out into the whole room and can see everything and be inspired.

You can see there's lots of windows and some great natural light. There are no overhead lights so I am thinking of maybe a few "task" chandeliers of some type...I see another chandy makeover in the very near future... Remember this one I did for the dining room ?
I am thinking a couple of these will give a ton of light for the evening hours when I am working.

I would love to hear your thoughts...I am thinking of adding wallpaper, maybe a little beadboard and paint in a really great vintage color. I want it to be really warm and inviting but be organized into zones for sewing, hooking, pattern making, dyeing, shipping and office work. I have lots of furniture in the garage that I have been collecting to use in here. I am really getting so terribly excited...oh and since its on the lowest level it is MUCH cooler than working in my bedroom which is at the very top in the attic and is VERY HOT, especially when you are buried under wool !

Well, thats it...all my messiness out there for everyone to see. I am so inspired by those of you who have shared your awesome workspaces on your blogs and you have inspired me to really get this done, once and for all. Please pray that I make good decisions and we get some good deals because I am NOT wanting to spend lots of money on this project, but I do want it to look more vintage than the rest of my house...its got nice deep windowsills so I am looking forward to having that additional display space and all those walls...Some of you long time readers know my frustration with the fact that I have very little wall space because of the "cut up" nature of the house.

Ok gals...I am off ! I need to head out to my sons apartment and finish packing all his stuff since he needs to have it all out by the 31st...Oh and please say a prayer for him (Kirk)...he still hasnt found an apartment and we are running out of time. I had a feeling I should have gone down initially and helped him but I am trying to let him figure stuff out on his own !!!

Until next time...
Grace to you,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

HELP me find Mrs. T & New Wools Are Up

Hi there gals...I am trying to locate a woman who left a comment on my blog today who wanted to purchase the Patriotic Sampler Square I had listed  but she didnt leave her email address and her info isnt listed with Blogger so I have no way at all to get back to her. So, Mrs. T if you are reading this...please shoot me an email or leave a comment with your email in it and I will be happy to start on your hooked item and get you invoiced. If any of you know Mrs. T can you please relay my request ? Thanks a bunch.

One quick side note...I do have some new wools listed on my WOOLS FOR SALE page and I am going to be dyeing a large batch for some orders I have coming up, so if you have any is the time to ask ! As most of you know, I am happy to try to accomodate your requests and I work very hard to try to get you the colors you are looking for whether its wool you are trying to match or just colors that you want to have on hand.

You all know I hate to blog without pictures so I thought I would show you a few things I picked up recently....First up is this awesome rolling pin to add to my collection...I have never seen one with the green handles and I just had to have it !!! And the price was right at $2.50.

Speaking of great deals....check out this large sewing box I got that is just filled with superb threads and accessories... LOVE this and it was a steal at $7.00

I also got this really cool copper thing...not really sure what it is exaclty but I am looking for things I can hang over by the woodburner and figured metal would be great...

I also thought of hanging some of my salt glazed is the area I want to hang stuff. I obviously cant use wood or candles and such because of the extreme heat...Any ideas ?

I also picked up these terrific little well made baskets that are perfect for all those little woolie worms that get clipped while hooking...Arent they just too cute ?
Well, ladies, I think I am gonna close for now since I have lots of items to get packaged up and ready to ship out tomorrow. I was overwhelmed with the terrific response to the items I had listed over at Primitive Handmades Mercantile this month...I sold out of every Americana item I had listed in just a few short hours and am now working on multiple orders !!! What a blessing to have so many prayers answered...I had debated even continuing to sell my finished works on PHM since nothing sold last month, but now I know I am supposed to hang in there. I also was really praying for God to really show me, definitively, whether ot not to move forward with the business end of my wool world and WOW did He confirm to me that I am right where I am supposed to be and doing just exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

Until next time,
Grace to you,

Friday, May 18, 2012

PHM Update & Great MAIL day !!!

Hi there gals. Just wanted to remind you that today is the day for the update over at my selling group, Primitive Handmades Mercantile (Click on the tab on the right side of the page and it will take you right there). I got a chance to take a sneak peak at what some of the gals are offering this month and OOOOOh are there some lovely things ! I am so blessed to be part of this wonderful group of talented artists. I thought I would show you just one of the things I am offering this month as a teas to get you to go take a look and hey, there's even a contest this month, so really , hop on over and browse.

OK, heres one of my items...

I also wanted to just say a BIG HUGE thank you to my new friend Gloria. She has been ordering wool from me for a few months and we are getting to know each other and she is just the sweetest person ! Awhile back when I showed you all those feedsacks I got she had mentioned that she would like to have one and I agreed to just add it in with her next wool order. She said she would send me something to swap and I was thinking that was just fine with me....Well, holy moly, I think she got the short end of the stick because besides the wool (which she paid for), all I sent was one Pillsbury flour sack and she sent me TONS of beautiful items in return. I wish she had a blog so I could send you all over to see her, but gals, just look at all the lovely things she sent me....
I love this grubby heart with all these beautiful roses. It will be going in my bedroom for sure !

Isnt this little clothesline with all the little prim outfits just precious ? I have it hanging from the drawers of my sewing machine and I just love it !!!

Here's a great little fruit cover thats all rusty and prim....I am going to hang this from the brick in my kitchen I think.

And last but not least is this GIANT prim wooden bowl with all this lovely distressed paint. I cant wait to make some things inside it....Maybe some grubbgy rag balls ? The next picture shows the original paint on the outside with the remnants of some beautiful roses....

This was just the nicest surpise I think I have ever gotten in the mail. What a treat ! She is a fantatsic and very interesting woman and I am blessed to know her. She has, along with so many of you, enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined when I started blogging a little over a year ago.

Yes, I have tears streaming down my face...what can I say ? I get weepy at 2 am. I am just feeling so grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life. Some days its hard to see God's plan. Some days, when I am hurting and cant really move, let alone work on any of my projects, I cry out to Him and ask to have my" old life" back, but on days like today, when the pain is manageable and I get things accomplished, I am reminded that I am right where I need to be, in the center of His will for me. My "old life" was far too hectic to have ever had the time to blog and then I would never have met any of you. I am finally seeing that God can use me...right now...not "when I get better", but right now, to be there for others, to be a blessing with a kind word or a sarcastic joke. It feels good to know that God can use a broken person like me. I pray for so many of you by name every are so close to my heart even though we have never officially "met". I am so thankful for all the times you have lifted me up out of the doldrums or encouraged me when I couldnt find my way or just brought  a smile to my face by the sweet comments you take the time to post here.

Oh my, I need to stop now or I am going to have a humdinger of a headache from all the crying. But before I go I did want to update you on my kiddos and thank all of you who have been praying for them. Our daughter, although still estranged from us, has made movements back toward us and more importantly to God. Through a miracle of a dear friend being at the right place at the right time, I now know that my beautiful daughter has returned to church and, it seems, to God. I am trusting the Lord to reunite us someday soon but am happy now just knowing she is taking her children to church and that, at least in that way, I didnt fail her.

The boys are both doing great. I actually got a call from my youngest straight from the battlefield on Mother's Day and it was such an unexpected delight. He could only talk for a few minutes but it was soooo good to hear his voice. He sounds like he is actually loving it over there and is actually going to be able to meetup with an old friend (from elementary school) in Isreal soon...How cool is that ? My other son, our middle child, who moved to Virgina a few weeks ago also called and texted and he seems to be settling in nicely. He has been looking for housing and I am heading out to his old apartment next week to get him all packed up and then the hubs and I will drive his stuff down in a few weeks...I guess you never stop being a mom. Mothers day was a day I had dreaded though...with the situation with my daughter, Mothers Day is always a day of mixed emotion but this year I did have reason to celebrate but it was also my very first Mothers day that I didnt spend with any of my kids or my mother...It was a little odd, but it turned out ok. Oh and guess sons fiance dropped off a beautiful gift for me. It is a beautifl angel holding an American flag that says "Praying for those who serve" ( I forgot to ake a picture and I am just too tired right now)...It was a touching gesture and a real answer to prayer too. So, all in all, I just feel so blessed by the way God is moving in my life right now. Oh and of course the hubs was awesome and got me these beautiful roses...and he took his mom and I out to dinner, which is always nice !

Yep, he's a keeper and with that I am gonna close. I can hear the hubs snoring away from across the room...guess I had better try to get some sleep too !!!
Until next time,
Grace to you,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Awesome Swap Thank You Eve

Well in all the swaps I have done, I have never received one a whole month early and boy was I pleasently suprised when I opened the mail on Saturday and found this lovely batch of goodies...
These are all from Eve over at Lee Hill Primitives and gals, let me tell you, she is a very talented and very generous lady. After my panic attack over the date our spot was due (Yes, I rushed like a maniac to my computer to look it up because as you all know by now, I am forever behind on just about everything, but I didnt think I could be a whole month behind...thankfully she's just wonderfully on top of her game...Koodos to you Eve...How do you do it all ?).

Okay, so Eve paid soo much attention to the things I like and the things I want to start collecting, like pewter...see that awesome plate ??? Its pewter AND this year is my 25th anniversary, so it was PERFECT for me...LOVE it.

I had mentioned that I loved a giveaway Eve did awhile back and loved the confederate money and vintage childrens picture, so she made sure I got both in my swap...Isnt that just too sweet ?
She also made a sweet pinkeep (another thing I have really wanted) and this adorable little prairie doll...

She also made this beautiful prim bee and got me this adorable little notebook with a bee on the front.

Ooooh and look at this little cross stitched tuck she made too...Its my very first cross stitched item  and its just wonderful...

So now I need to get her package all finished up and sent to her....Hey wouldnt it be great if I actually sent hers EARLY too ??? Ok, I know, I know...thats probably not likely, but I do have a few things a;ready done for her swap pkg and I am hoping she is a s happy with what I send as I am with what she so thoughtfully sent me. Thank you Eve so much for a terrific swap. I love everything !!!

Well ladies, I did manage to get a bunch of wool dyed over the last few weeks and I have all the pics taken and I will be listing them on my WOOL FOR SALE page, so be sure to check it out...I have some really wonderful wools and even some new colors...I have been experimenting with shades of plums, purples and burgundies that I know you will all love. Of coure there are some populra colors in there too like my best dirty red, margie's marvelous mustard and even more of my much requested robins egg blue bundles. As always, if you ahve a request, please let me know, as I am always happy to dye something just for you !!!

OK, well I am off to put the finishing touches on the items I am making for Fridays update at the Primitive Handmades Mercantile...great new items that I truly LOVE and hope you will too !!!

Well, I had better scoot gals, so have a wondeful day !

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Flour Sacks, Crocks, & Conspiracy Theories

Well I guess I need to update you gals on some great finds I have gotten over the last months....I know I am SO bad at getting pictures taken in a reasonable amount of time...I will start with my newest stuff first. My aunt came for a visit the other day and I was SOOOO super excited whe she told me she had some crocks for me. She wanted them to go to someone in the family who would appreciate them and that, of course, would be ME !!!! She started to say I could sell them and I literally was so rude...I cut her off and said "I NEVER SELL CROCKS" which is absolutely true. Over the years I have sold tons of antiques and early goods (and yes, kicked myself later) but I never, ever, let go of my crocks. I cherish them. Of course most of mine have hairline cracks but I dont care because that just adds character to are the ones she gave me on this trip...YIPPEE...
This is my second 10 gallon but this one is taller and thinner than the other one and I just love it !!! It's in primperfect condition !!!! The next one is a 4 gallon (my first of that size) and has some damage, but like I said, I dont care....
And lastly this small one gallon which I am not sure where I will put yet....
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of them and I am sooo grateful to my aunt for thinking of me. We had a nice day together. She recently lost her long time boyfriend (and I mean they were together almost as long as I have been married and thats 25 years) so she was a little sad, but I tried to keep her spirits up and get her laughing.

Well I got these flour and sugar sacks awhile back at an estate sale...I went late in the day, it had been raining and as I entered the house a woman coming out said there was nothing left but junk...Well, one mans trash...So I did a quick trip around the upstairs and she was right...not much there. SO, to the basement I went (I love the basements of estate sales cause there's usually great stuff hiding in boxes). It looked kind of bleak...of course I loved all the book cases that were marked $5 and SOLD...darn I hate when I go late ! So I am looking around and I see this old laundry basket with a bunch of old linens and stuff...I knelt down and daw a bag that was taped shut that said "clean rags" and I peeked in and saw that they looked like cut pieces of old flour sack which I love for cleaning or if they are in good enough shape, to make into dish towels (that's the extent of my sewing skills I am afraid). Anyway, imagine my suprise when I got the bag home and found 5 completely intact 100 lb about 8 complete bags with just the seam ripped on one edge, so I am thinking SCORE !!! Here they are...

I forgot there's a sugar bag with I think the statue of liberty face maybe too...anyway, the graphics are super clear on most of them...Anybody have any idea the value or what I could use them for or make out of them ???? Anybody love one and wanna trade something ? Let me know. I was so excited I did the happy dance when I opened it up !!!

On the same day I stopped at a church sale and got this oblong baking dish that went inside this woven basket thingy and both pieces are marked "Workshops of Gerald E. Henn, Warren Ohio"...anyone know anything about these ???? Also it looks like their is some crazing ??? There's no actual crack that I can feel so my question is ...Can I use it ??? Ok, well here are the pics...

The basket is in PERFECT condition and looks fabulous...I would probably be willing to part with it though if someone collects this guys stuff, so let me know. Its not like I really had a plan for it...I just cant seem to ever pass up a nice basket...I would probably just use the basket anyway and not the dish, haha, since its not "non-stick". Oh and I forgot to take a picture of the giant Pampered Chef Santa Claus cookie mold...Anyone know anything about those ????

Well, I am in bed, sweating like a pig in this muggy heat, but am hurting today, so, well, not much is gonna get done. So glad the hubs is home today though...he's mowing the yard right now and then he's working on clearing out my new work room (we both thought calling it my "studio" might be a little pretentious so we thought "work room" was more "me" but I would love your opinions/suggestions) Anyway, if he gets everything moved out of there and into the already completely STUFFED garage, then I can start painting and we can go buy the flooring...As soon as its empty I will take pics so you all can see what I am working with as far as space. Since the room is an addition it does have its own entrance, its on the lower level, like a walk out basement, has awesome natural light with some large windows, 2 large closets (one is a walk in) and has its own bathroom and is just off my laundry room so its a great space...I am hoping to maybe even hold classes or a small hook-in or something someday....Whats that saying about "if you cant go to the mountain, bring the mountain to you" ? I kind of feel like that would be perfect for me since physically I dont always feel well enough to these events or feel like I cant make a reservation because I may not be able to get out of bed that day...kind of like today. I am always in much more pain (muscularly) at that "time of the month"....HATE this time worst of all !!!

OK, so I know thats more info than you probably needed, but if you are a regular follower, you know I am not big into self-censorship, so "too much" info is usually what you get...Anyway, thats who I am and believe me, I have bigger issues that I need to "work on" than that right now..haha !!!

Well, I guess I should get going...the hubs just came up to spend a little time with me after mowing (he showered and smells so good) and we are watching a show on The New World Order...fascinating stuff...Dont even get me started here people...the hubs and I are kind of conspiracy theorists...its another of our common interests...we are odd, I know, so hold off on the "weirdo comments" please. Ooooh and  after this we are going to watch our favorite "prepper" shows...Anybody out there a prepper ???

Ok, seriously, I am going now cause I cant do 2 things at once (very well) . Heaven knows my typing is bad enough when I AM giving it all my attention.

Until next time,
Grace to you,