Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some new goodies

Just a quick post today since I am trying to get a new batch of wool dyed and bundled. I have gotten a few little yummy things at the thrift (besides my gigantic wool haul) over the last few days.
I got this great piece of Pfaltzgraf  with their folk art pattern...Not sure what is is though (any idea), but since I am trying to collect this line again I figured I would pick it up. I sold my entire Pfaltzgraf folk ark collection years ago when I got sick to help pay for my meds and oh how I miss it. Grrrrrrr...Oh and I got this piece for just $2 HOORAY. When I think of all the pieces I had to sell it makes me sooo sad, but I am grateful I had those things to sell. I guess the Pfaltzgraf pieces were good investments since I sold them for WAY more than I paid . I am trying to remember that I can have fun hunting for more pieces to add to my collection.

Also I love this salt glazed candle holder that I got for just $1 and am figuring out where to put it. Lastly I got the jar with the paddle in it with a plunger...It has measurements on the side and am thinking it may be for butter or to whip cream ???? Anybody have any idea ? I dont know where I am going to put this either since it doesn't really "match" with my colors since its more aqua blue...who knows maybe someone will want to trade for it ??? Let me know.

Well guys, thats about it for today. I am also trying to find a great recipe for hot pepper jelly. My inlaws gave me a big bag of hot peppers and I always buy hot pepper jam/jelly but would love to make my own...anyone have a good recipe ? I am really trying to make alot of gifts for Christmas this year and think a basket of jams, butters and spiced nuts along with a fresh loaf of bread and a small hooked mat (to be used as a hot pad) would make a lovely gift for people who have everything since we all still have to eat, right ?

Ok, I am gonna scoot now.

Grace to you,


  1. Hi Margie!
    Your Folk Art piece is a potpourri or ginger jar. There are probably a few listed on eBay if you want to see what the little cap looks like. You got some great deals!


  2. Fun finds Margie....sad you had to sell your collection, but gives you something new to hunt for now! Gee, can I be on your Christmas gift list?? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Oh my I want on your christmas best friend that passed away collected that pattern dishes and I use to buy them for her every time I found them.It's been two years and I stil go to buy it when I come across them then realize I don't need it anymore.Hugs!~Amy

  4. Can I be on your Christmas list?LOL. Home made gifts are always the best and from the heart. I think I have a jam recipe. I'll email it to you soon.

    I received my kit. It is really nice. Thanks for your attention to detail. Can't wait to see what wool you have to list next. It makes me want to run out to my thrift store and buy and dye. My dyeing is mostly for my penny rugs though.


  5. Great finds Margie!
    I want to be on your Christmas list Too!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Hi, Margie, guess what? My sister is buying up every piece of Village Folk Art she finds for me! She is
    hunting for the mustard color with the brown folk art designs. I had the whole set back in the 70's, and
    also the original white stoneware with the blue
    folk art designs. I, too sold lots of things when I
    needed extra money, and Sis did this as a surprise for me. She lives in Indiana, and she has so far sent a complete set of plates, bowls, cups and saucers. She's adding the accessory pieces now,
    I've even got a spoon rest for the stove.
    Keep hunting for pieces for yourself, you sure do
    find the bargains!
    Warm Regards,

  7. AWESOME Haul!! i think the paddle thing is a butter churn!

  8. Hi Margie! Thanks for following my blog. I appreciate it and your comments. I am your newest follower. I'm not into rug hooking... yet, lol. That will probably be my empty-nester craft but my youngest is 6 so that might be awhile. But I'm still looking forward to following your blog and looking at all your lovely hooking.

    Sorry to hear that you had to sell your whole collection but you are so right... thankfully you had it to sell! I think the thrill of the hunt is the most fun anyway.

    Have a delightful week~

  9. Hi Margie~

    Homemade gifts are always the best (and better on our pocketbooks). I would love to be on your Christmas list. Hehe...

    Love your new pieces. Don't ya love a bargain.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  10. I love the things that you share with us. I also went to the GW today and founds quite a few treasures, it is so much fun!
    I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how you decide what color to overdye your wools with, I think that would be interesting.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Ronnie in Washington

  11. How great you found another piece to add to your collection. Sure don't know what it is either though.



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