Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hi everyone...Just a reminder that today is the last day to enter the rug hooking kit giveaway (see previous posts for info). I am working like mad getting wool and some addditional kits ready just in case any of you who dont win would like to purchase the pattern, wool, or the whole kit. So, I am busy in the kitchen dying the lovely haul of wool I got on Saturday when thrifting. I hit the mother-load and got a cartful of Pendelton wool skirts and have taken pictures for a future lesson on how to properly deconstruct garments to get the MOST usable wool. I will be showing skirts, pants and jackets...Now if I just knew the exact right order to put all these tutorials in I would be SUCH a happy girl ! I am working on having "buttons" to click on that will allow you to choose the lesson you want etc, but as many of you long time followers know...I am NOT that tech savvy. I am on a need to know basis with my computer etc and sometimes it takes me awhile to firgure out the best and "easy" way to post...Anyone who wants to email a quick tutorial on how to do that...I would LOVE you forever...Okay, well maybe LOVE is too strong, since I may not even know you, but you get my drift.

Here's the wool I got....isn't it just yummy ???

There was even more basic black and a few others, but I couldnt get it all in the pictures. So I decided to use these wools for the dying lesson too, since you guys will be familiar with them, so its taking a little longer to get it dyed since I have to keep stopping and take pictures...I think I need an assistant..hehe ! I only spent about $35.00 for an entire laundry basket full of wool AFTER I had deconsrtucted it , so yards and yards of usable wool. SO glad frugality is making a comeback (I guess I was politically incorrect since I have been thrifting since before it was cool).

Well, I better get back to the kitchen and check on those dye pots ! Next lesson will be color planning and we will be pulling loops together, so be sure to tune in and bring your friends.

Grace to you,


  1. Margie, you are such a sweetie. Looks like you got some great wool. Can't wait for the next lesson. You are going to be sharing such great infor. with poor little me. I am a "Hooking for Dummies" person. And will be so glad when you announce that winner. Trying to go about my daily chores, working with my fingers crossed..... not too easy. Take care my friend.

  2. oh I can't wait for the next tutorial. Looks like you got some great wool... I am very excited.

  3. I can't wait to see the lesson in dying wool. It all sounds wonderful and I can't believe you got all of that for 35 dollars.

  4. I'm loving your blog and learning about 'wool'. Looking forward to the next tutorial.

  5. Margie, thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge with us! I have a stack of books,some backing and a few sut strips, but have been to chicken to start. I can't wait for your next installment!


  6. Hi Margie
    Can't wait for your tutorials. I've enjoyed following along so far. Do you have a price yet for the kits? Will they be similar in color or all different?? Enjoy dyeing. I always love the process. I do felting of wool for my Penny Rugs. I love to over dye and see what it comes out as. The more primitive the better.


  7. That's quite a haul - and an awesome price! Woo Hoo!! Happy dyeing!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Hi Margie,
    What a great haul. I picked up 8 jackets at thrift shops. I haven't deconstructed them yet, Your tutorials are very helpful.

  9. Thank you for the tutorial....I have my grandmother's rug hook and some rugs that she hooked...they are priceless to me...Maybe I can learn how to hook with your help. Thank you again.

  10. Margie that was some haul! Love the wool you got and can not wait for the next tutorial!I found a rug hook in my craft room today and did not even realize that I owned one.LOL! Have fun with your wool.Hugs,Jen

  11. Wow! That is an impressive amount of wool there! I am sure you will have fun with that!

  12. JUST found your website and I am in LOVE!!! Look forward to daily visits!! Love Love LOVE!!

  13. Love the delicious wool....sweet find!!


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