Sunday, July 17, 2011

So sorry...

Hey there my prim pals, I hope you all had a great Independence Day. I apologize to you all since I had promised a great giveaway for the 4th, but unfortunately I was just not well enough to get that done, or even blog at all. I am so sorry and am wondering if starting a blog was even a good idea since I HATE letting people down !!!

As some of you know I had West Nile Virus back in '03 and still have ongoing complications. I had a major flare-up that landed me in bed. Usually I am still able to work on rug hooking and other stitchery fact, that's one reason I started those hobbies since I could manage them from bed. This one was bad though and I had a hard time using my hands. I hate that I have let you guys down and I hate that a stupid mosquito bite 8 years ago is still negatively affecting my life...although I am doing much better than I was then and I am trying hard to keep that in perspective. I am/was a type A personality...I used to get accomplished in a single day what now would take me at least a month. I am trying not to let this bother me and get depressed about it, but it is and I am.

Perhaps this is not the place to unload...this is , after all, a craft blog, not a medical/illness/support blog, but I felt I owed you an explanation. Also, I know lots of you are women of faith and I am asking for your prayers. I am tired of this disease kicking me in the patootie...every time I think I am DONE with it, it sneaks back up and wacks me back down. I have never been a patient person so it isn't suprising that God has chosen to use this illness as a series of teachable moments for me. I want my life to be an example of His love and His mercy and right now all I am is an example of is a whiney, pathetic crab whose letting this illness beat me AGAIN.

I am and will continue to try to get something done to be able to blog about. Again, I beg for prayers and forgiveness. I have sooo many projects that need to be finished and some are evry cool and I really think you all will like them. Perhaps this summer heat is just not the best time for me to blog, so I may take a bit of a break and get a few things lined up.

I am working on that rug hooking tutorial (since that I have been able to do from bed). Its all organized and I have a few of the lessons completed and will schedule it to launch soon.

Until then, I will be browsing your blogs and dreaming of the projects I have yet to do. You all are such inspirations to me. I hope I havent offended anyone with the unprofessional nature of this post and do hope to be back in blogland soon full time !!!

Until then, many blessing and grace to you,


  1. looking forward to your tutorial. i've been wanting to learn to hook for a long time. can't wait. hope you get to feeling better soon. LOL!!! denise

  2. Oh Sweet Margie, Don't be so hard on yourself. What's a little giveaway when you are not feeling well? We never know what life is going to throw out there for us to deal with. And it sounds like you got a double dose. Don't give up your blogging... You don't have to post finished items just check in and chat with us. Does a body good to talk and we will always listen. There are so many kind , caring, and sweet folks on here who offer up all the suoport and prayers you need. I know for a fact as we just turned Mother over to Hospice and I found this out personally. You take care of yourself and I am sending up prayers for you as I type. Hopiing you will soon be able to do the things you so enjoy. Thanks for stopping in.
    Sending hugs your way
    Thur Nanas Window

  3. Margie,
    I missed you but want you to smile , ongoing diseases are not easy on the body , but sometime they are harder on the mind, hang in there dear , your blog buddies aren't going anywhere ! Wishing you many happy days to come and prayers for a speedy recovery ! Hope you are up and hooking soon! hugs and prayers lil raggedy angie

  4. Hi Margie~

    Sorry to hear you are having some difficulties. Don't feel bad about now having a giveaway. Most of us aren't here for the giveaways!! We're here to share & that sometimes means sharing our "downs" as well as our ups. I hope it made you feel a tiny bit better getting to let it out. We're here for you!! Post when you feel the need & until then, continue to check in with us. Hopefully we can help to put a smile on your face. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

    Big Hugs~Becky

  5. I wondered where you were.There is no need to apoligize,, you must have fun doing this or its just not right.Our blogs although we purpose them on a plan of some sorts are written by REAL people with REAL troubles.You need to share with us,, our prayers and positive thoughts will only help you to conquer this nasty disease.Always feel comfortable enough to let us know howyou fee, pleaase,This must have been a difficult post to write,, its done now and we all know where you've been,, wish I know sooner I would have sent messages to you ,, please be well and you take all the time you need to recover,, yours was one of the first blogs I joined and I don't even hook,, well once long ago,, but I just love you blog,, you be well,

  6. Hi Margie,
    I am so sorry to hear that you have had such a rough go of it lately. Chronic illness is so much more than the physical challenges it presents. The mental piece is HUGE!
    I think everyone understands when people don't post as often or host giveaways they've mentioned. Life happens to all of us, so I hope you won't use much more energy on the worry of letting folks down. I have found that bloggers get it that stuff happens.
    I'm glad you shared about your struggles so we can all help by way of prayer. I am sure there will be lots of prayers being sent up for you, and I hope that you find renewed strength and lots of comfort in the knowing of that.
    Blessings to you and yours!

  7. Oh Dear, Sweet, Margie....And I'm going to add "Silly" to that as well....Silly for thinking you need to apologize over not having a giveaway....Yikes! Actually, it completely slipped my mind that you even said that! Nor have you let us down by not thought when I started blogging is that it'd mostly be about hooking - but well, have I finished anything since I started blogging to even post? Ha!! (Gee, could it be I'm spending too much time online and not enough hooking???) ;o) Anywhohow...get those silly thoughts right out of your head. I am truly sorry for your struggles...It must be so frustrating...My prayers and very best thoughts are with you....for healing, strength, recovery, understanding and, most importantly, faith.....Hang in there sweetie!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Margie,
    My heart goes out to you. I can not imagine the complications this disease causes, but have heard it is bad. Never feel you have let anyone down in blogland! I like to think our prim community is a place where we can express anything~ not just crafting. My feeling too is there is no law that says you have to post all the time. In the summer I post less because I'm much busier with life to post.
    Prayer is powerful and asking for prayers from our blog friends is even more powerful~ you are in my prayers in hopes that you can atleast get some relife from this debilitating disease.
    Many blessings to you my friend,

  9. Honey, you worry way too much. We are a community of real people. We don't have high expectations of each other--just being real. If anyone can find time to post--or energy in this heat--it is just fine and dandy. But most have so much going on in the summer-especially those with children. And I don't think regular prim folk are looking for giveaways. It's nice and a way to generate traffic but a bunch of strangers, with promises to follow and don't, aren't the traffic we are looking for. I, myself, am much more interested in the goings on in my friends lives--good or bad. I did not know you had suffered West Nile. My goodness, that is a serious situation. There are several gals in this community with ongoing, degenerative diseases or ailing parents or children with special needs.... We are a prayerful group and have no problem adding another name when we offer up our prayers! Please make an occasional post so that we know how things are going. That's all we ask. And when you do feel good, share more. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Hi Margie ! Don't you worry about letting anyone down ,you need to take care of you. I have been in bed nearly a week with strep and I know that I am chomping at the bit and frustrated.We visit you because of you and not a planned giveaway. I am looking forward to the tutorial.Will be praying for you my dear.Hug,Jen

  11. Hi Margie - You need not apologize...we all have times when we struggle with different things in our lives, and we don't mind hearing about your problems when you need to vent...we are here for you girl!
    May you have many blessings of peace, health and happiness.

  12. Hi Margie: So sorry to hear that you have not been well! That is what were all here for--to share our lives with each blogging friends! Take time to recover and don't worry about anything!

  13. Oh my sweet friend~ No need to worry over such things.You know you getting to feeling better is the most important.I'm sorry it's getting you down.I will pray but if you need me you know were to find me.As far as dissapointing people I say anyone one who follows a blog has some interest in that person and if real life bothers them there is always a stop following button.Hugs!~Amy

  14. Take care of yourself first. We will all still be here when you come back.
    God bless

  15. Hope you feel better soon and get back to your old self.
    Will be thinking about you.
    Don't worry about disappointing us we all understand when you need a break. Take your time. Looking forward to hearing from you again.
    Prim Blessings

  16. Lifting you in prayer today Friend!
    Blessings Granny Trace

  17. Dear blog friends,
    I am trying to put together a bloggers board.
    This board would contain the name of the blog, the first name of the author ( last name, if you allow ) and birthday-- month and day only.
    Once I get this put together, I will email to all participants.
    If you know of others who would like to be listed, please give them my email address so I can add them.
    I just think it would be handy to know when our friends birthdays are so we can send them our best wishes.
    Those of you who have not yet sent me your address, please do. These will not be part of the blog board, but for my own personal address book. I like to send cards now and then.

  18. I too have to 'repeat' what everyone else said....please don't stress over 'not' blogging as much or getting things done.
    I too am a type A personality and things need to be done NOW and RIGHT....and since my disc/hip problems it has shortened my durability too - but after so many years I am finally coming to grips with the fact...I'm not as young as I used to be regardless of the 'problem's so I have tried to deal with it too.
    BUT PLEASE don't ever think we don't want to share in your illness...blogging is about FRIENDS...not houses and's everything all in one.
    Take care and please don't stress.
    Hugs, Karen


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