Friday, March 11, 2011

My Very First Blog Post

OK, so this is my very first blog post. I have enjoyed reading everybody else's in the Prim World and decided to throw my hat in the ring. I am working on quite a few projects right now. Hubby's grandma died in December and we inherited all the cast off furniture no one else wanted. The family was actually going to throw away an old Hoosier (complete with sifter and bins). It needs alot of work, but ooooh I cant wait till it's all done. I also got a sweet old secretary desk that was covered under YEARS of dirt and grime. I am stripping it and the wood is sooo beautiful underneath. I will take some pictures this week and try to get them on . I got a dining rom set with a china cupboard that I dont really like as is, but am thinking of manking some changes...Check back later when I them on and give me your opinions.

Here's a few pictures of some of my prim treasures from Christmas...

I love these little old flags I found !

This is my granmothers old treadle sewing machine. I have used it many times over the years !!!

I wasn't really happy with the staircase this year. I did LOVE the garland I made for the tree this year...I had long strips of tea dyed muslim that I tied together and them added homespun blue plaid knots every 5 inches or so...looks so country prim didn't cost me a thing...It was ll leftover fabric !!!

This last picture is from our basement family room that is decorated in Steeler ...Its the ONLY room in the house thats not PRIM. If I could figure out how to combine the two, I certainly would !!!
OK, well I guess that's it for now. I promise to get some of my hand hooked rugs posted later and a bunch of before and after pics. I just love those, dont you ???


  1. Looking foreward to many more fun and interesting posts to read and hopefully you will showcase your talent at rug pics ( which I still haven't learned )....Have fun !!!

  2. Hi Margie: Thanks for stopping by my blog! I looove your flag arrangement-just gorgeous! I'm hoping to find some old flags like those...


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